
Saturday, December 22, 2012

*Review* Furthermore: An Anthology

December 11th 2012
Title: Furthermore: An Anthology

Authors Links:

First off, I would like to say that I truly admire everyone that stood behind this book and donated their work to the sake of charity. It's because of people like you that make this world a better place. Each of you are a light in the middle of all this darkness, the shred hope that everyone needs. I hope that more people will be inspired from this wonderful idea and maybe just maybe help you guys publish a part two! 

The moment I heard about the promo tour for this book, I knew I had to be a part of it! I have a personal connection to it really; I fought a battle with cancer (leukemia) and thankfully made it out alive. I was shocked when I learned ALL proceedings from this anthology will be donated to cancer research. I fully believe that with enough funding, one day a cure for cancer will be found. 

The second best part of this book is the AUTHORS! I had wanted to check out most of their books and this was the perfect way to get a feel for their writing. Each short story is beautifully written and ties-in with the author's previous novels/series. Every author included in this anthology have their own unique writing and storytelling styles, I guarantee there is something in it for everyone! At times I found myself a bit confused because I haven't read any of the original stories; however now after reading this collection, I what to read ALL of the books they were based from! I just wish the stories were a bit longer, but of course they wouldn't be called short stories then would they? =-P

 So what are you waiting for? Go buy this book, not only does benefit a good cause but it also will let you experience the works of so many great authors! 



  1. Minha querida amiga Helena !!!!

    Passando por aqui para deixar meu carinho e,
    Desejar-lhe um maravilhoso Natal e, um belíssimo
    Ano Novo.
    Que os seus caminhos sejam sempre iluminados,
    Com muita paz, poesia, felicidades e amor em seu
    Coração e, agradecer-lhe o seu carinho para comigo
    E meus trabalhos neste ano que está passando!!!!!!!!
    Beijos de luz !!!

    POETA CIGANO – 23/12/2012

    Macaé – Rio de Janeiro – Brasil.

  2. Thank you so much for your review and kind words Helena!
