
Saturday, July 27, 2013

My Delinquent Apology + Updates + New Features

Hello Accepted Readers,

It's been quite a long time since you have heard from me hasn't? I think it's time that I explain the sudden disappearance and apologize for being gone so long. I think many updates are in order to let me get started....

Quick note to authors waiting for my review: 
I feel ashamed that I am behind on my reviews.  To all the authors that have contacted me to review their book, I owe you my greatest apology. I can promise each of you that the review for your book will be coming ASAP. At this time I'm not sure of exact dates the reviews will go live, just please bare with me. I have some ideas to make it up to each of you, but I will share those details at a later time.
Why I Was Gone

I want to start off by saying that I had no intention to be gone so long from blogging. I honestly love sharing my opinions and receiving feedback from you guys! I feel so lucky to have so many of you following my blog and sticking by me even when I wasn't posting! Thank you... you guys no idea how much I appreciate that!

So many things have happened in my life during these last few months...difficult and stressful things. 

Prior to my last post, I felt myself falling into a depression spiral. Everything I used to love to do, failed to gain my attention, I could not focus on anything. I thought I was having  a few bad days, but later it turned into a bad month that never seemed to get any better. In my childhood I battled depression, bi-polar disorder, and even panic attacks but I thought I had it all under control. All these aliments came rushing back with such a vengeance that they hindered me helpless. I think a buildup of stress caused the bulk of my problems and I'm slowly regaining control of my life.

The stress I've been under has mostly came from family related issues. My grandmother is still very ill and from the looks of things she won't be getting better any time soon. To make matters worst my mother is struggling with blood clots in her lungs, my uncle's MS is acting up, and I have another uncle who kidneys are failing. To be frank, I'm scared, absolutely terrified of what the future may hold. As time passes I'm trying to brace myself for the worst, but even that is proving to be a challenge. All I can do is pray and hope for the best and that's exactly what I intend to do.  

It was hard for me to share these intimate details about myself to you guys, but I felt you guys needed to know the truth and I've never been one to sugar-coat my feelings. I can assure you, I will be okay. I did not share this information to gain sympathy or anything of that nature, I just wanted to let you see the real me. I feel so much better getting all of that off my chest! :)

Other less serious reasons for my disappearance:  
*I had to lighten the mood*

1. My laptop is breaking down. The darn thing has a short in the charge cord or something and it takes a skill to get it to charge. 

2. My Nook is Mal-functioning. while reading various books, randomly the text will disappear or the screen will lock up. I have no idea what is causing it but it has been driving me nuts. The good news, I recently got a Kindle and couldn't be happier with it!

3. I had the flu. Yep you read that right. I got the flu late in the season and I felt like death for two weeks. I'm a huge baby when I'm sick... so eh it wasn't one of my better moments. =-X

Updates... Lots of things to look forward to! 


My 100+ Follower Giveaway: 
Will include possible book swag, physical books from The Book Depository, and a few other surprises. You won't wanna miss out on this one! *More details coming soon*

Mini Giveaways: 
I will be having a few e-book giveaways. Chances to win e-book copies of some of the books I will be reviewing. Gifting through: Smashwords or Amazon 
Here are the books that I will be reviewing within the next few months:
 (in no particular order)

Weekly + Monthly Features
Starting In August: 

Short Story Weekly:
Every Saturday, I'll be posting a quick review on books with 100 or less pages.  

Every Month: 

Book Hauls
Including books I personally buy & receive as gifts or win.

Book Related Surveys/Tags
I'm always seeing tag videos/posts related to bookish things so every month I'll find at least one to complete and invite you to do them also!

My Bookish Lists:
Twice a month I will make a various book related list such as: My Top 5 Favorite Authors or 5 Books I Will Never Read.

I hope with all these new features that I can find out more about you guys! I'm open to any other suggestions, just leave me a comment below! :) 

1 comment:

  1. Feel better soon, Helena! I know a bit about falling into depression and just wanting to hide and I really hope it gets better for you soon! *hugs!*
