
Friday, October 18, 2013

The Ultimate Book Tag

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I've been in a tag/challenge mood lately. I find myself scouring the web looking for different ones and I came across The Ultimate Book Tag... a massive 25 Question tag! I found this tag on YouTube from user ShaeTheWordNerd,  but the tag was created by a user on  Goodreads. 

1. Do you get sick while reading in the car?

Unfortunately yes, I get terrible headaches and dizziness. 

2. Which author's writing style is completely unique to you and why?

Hmm... This is a difficult question. Every author I enjoy has their own unique style! So, is ALL an appropriate answer?

3. Harry Potter Series or the Twilight Saga? Give 3 points to defend your answer. 

Oh no... the world will now find out my deadliest secret... I've never read either series. I've only watched the Twilight movies but not even one of the Harry Potter movies. *hides*

4. Do you carry a book bag? If so, what is it in (besides books...)?

Nope, I don't. My purse is about as big as one though and I carry just about everything but the kitchen sink. 

5. Do you smell your books?

Yes, it's one of my guilty pleasures. 

6. Books with or without little illustrations?

I love illustrations, it gives a book more character. 

7. What book did you love while reading but discovered later it wasn't quality writing? (Ex. I read Twilight before I read HP and thought the writing was amazing but read HP and now think Twilight is a little bit of a joke.)

Honestly, no books are coming to mind. If I love a book, I will always love it even if a better one comes along!

8. Do you have any funny stories involving books from your childhood? Please share!

Yes, I do! When I was in 3rd and 4th grade I used to pick a book from the library to read to the kindergarten classes. I would read them in different voices and become very animated and would have the entire class, including teachers laughing. I even sometimes made up my own words and would get the younger kids to start using them!

9. What is the thinnest book on your shelf?

 Island (Book One: Shipwreck) by Gordon Korman, its a middle grade book I think. (129 Pages)

 10. What is the thickest book on your shelf?
 William Shakespeare: Complete Plays, a beautiful hardback edition from B&N (1200 Pages)

11. Do you write as well as read? Do you see yourself in the future as being an author?
I took a stab at writing short stories in high school but failed at ever completing one. I couldn't be an author; I can't put my ideas into words well. I do write poetry. 

12. When did you get into reading?

I believe I was in elementary school, when I stumbled into the magical room filled with books...I was in love. (Haha, most of you call it a library) 

13. What is your favorite classic book?

I haven't read many classics... but I love anything by Poe and Shakespeare.

14. In school was your best subject Language Arts/English?

Actually, yes it was. I had honors English. 

15. If you were given a book as a present that you had read before and hated...what would you do?

I would pass it along to a friend or donate it to my local library. 

16. What is a lesser known series that you know of that is similar to Harry Potter or the Hunger Games?

 Perception by genetically altered people who basically live forever and normal people who live regular lives. It takes place in a distant, futuristic world.

17. What is a bad habit you always do (besides rambling) while filming?
Eh, I guess this was meant for Youtube, BUT since I like to break rules I did it here instead. lol, anyways...I've noticed I tend to use the same words frequently; I need to desperately expand my vocabulary.  

18. What is your favorite word?


19. Are you a nerd, dork, or dweeb? Or all of the above?

I am a nerd. 

20. Vampires or Fairies? Why?

No... this is a hard decision. Lately, I've been on this fairy kick and I adore them but I also LOVE vampires... I choose a vampire fairy!

21. Shape shifters or Angels? Why?

Shape shifters, ever since I read Doppelganger by

22. Spirits or Werewolves? Why? 

Werewolves, they are gorgeous and have many honorable traits. 

23. Zombies or Vampires? Why?  

Vampires, I've always been intrigued by them and I have a thing for sharp fangs. =-X

24. Love Triangle or Forbidden Love?

Forbidden Love.

25. AND FINALLY: Full on romance books or action-packed with a few love scenes mixed in?

Action-Packed with a few love scenes. 
The End.
I'm tagging all of you to participate in this tag with me! If you do decide to do it, please leave me a link in the comments so I can go check it out! Do you guys like these kind of posts? Let me know, if so maybe I could start doing one once a week or every other week?

The Questions: 
1. Do you get sick while reading in the car?
2. Which author's writing style is completely unique to you and why?
3. Harry Potter Series or the Twilight Saga? Give 3 points to defend your answer.
4. Do you carry a book bag? If so, what is it in (besides books...)?
5. Do you smell your books?
6. Books with or without little illustrations?
7. What book did you love while reading but discovered later it wasn't quality writing? (Ex. I read Twilight before I read HP and thought the writing was amazing but read HP and now think Twilight is a little bit of a joke.)
8. Do you have any funny stories involving books from your childhood? Please share!
9. What is the thinnest book on your shelf?
10. What is the thickest book on your shelf?
11. Do you write as well as read? Do you see yourself in the future as being an author?
12. When did you get into reading?
13. What is your favorite classic book?
14. In school was your best subject Language Arts/English?
15. If you were given a book as a present that you had read before and hated...what would you do?
16. What is a lesser known series that you know of that is similar to Harry Potter or the Hunger Games?
17. What is a bad habit you always do (besides rambling) while filming?
18. What is your favorite word?
19. Are you a nerd, dork, or dweeb? Or all of the above?
20. Vampires or Fairies? Why?
21. Shapeshifters or Angels? Why?
22. Spirits or Werewolves? Why?
23. Zombies or Vampires?
24. Love Triangle or Forbidden Love?
25. AND FINALLY: Full on romance books or action-packed with a few love scenes mixed in?


  1. Replies
    1. here you go!
