
Monday, January 6, 2014

Bookish New Year's Resolutions

Accepted Readers,

It seems like everyone has been posting their book related New Year's resolutions and I've decided to jump onto the bandwagon. I'm sorry it's a bit late!

Read 50 Or More Books
I failed to reach my goal of reading 50 books last year but I'm going to give it another go this year. If only I didn't work full time and could read all the time. *sigh*

Read More Entire Series
I have wanted to start/finish quite a few book series/trilogies including:
I plan on Marathon Reading entire series. A huge challenge,  I know... but I think I can do it.  There is a few more series I want to read.. but it would take me forever to list them all. I might do another post regarding this.

Buy Less Books, Read What I Own
I have to admit; I bought so many books in 2013 but didn't get around to reading most of them. This year, I plan on only buying books to complete the current series I own and a few other books I know I will read ASAP.

So, I will be reading more books that I already own because I have tons to choose from.  This is going to be the hardest goal for me... I am seriously addicted to book buying. It doesn't help that my local library has a daily book sale room with cheap prices.

Organize My Book Collection
This will be my hardest and most time consuming goal. I really want to organize bookshelves into order by author name. At this point, it's a task to dig out what books I'm looking for. I'm not even sure I know what all I actually do own.

I also want to use GoodReads to keep track of ALL the books I currently own including my kindle/nook collection. I probably have close to 2000 books if not more if I combine all my libraries. Whew, this is going to be rough. 

Read Different Genres + Classics
Last year, I didn't read ANY classic novels. Which is sad, I know. I also read mostly books of the same type of genre ( YA ) and I feel it's time I've stepped out of my comfort zone.

I want to read at least 5 classic novels including:
  • To Kill a Mocking Bird by Harper Lee
  • Lord of the Flies by William Golding
  • Pride and Prejudice by Jane Austen

I also want to read at least 2 books in the following genres:
  • Historical Romance
  • Adult Fiction
  • Western
  • Contemporary
  • Non-fiction 
  • Science Fiction 
Read Books From New Authors
My last goal is to read more books from authors new to me. (At least one a month.) There are so many great authors out there and I want to give some new ones a chance. I think will be the easiest goal for me. 

Here's a list of some authors I've heard amazing things about and currently own some of their books, but yet haven't read any of their work yet.
  •  David Levithan
  • Michael Grant
  • Kendare Blake
  • Maggie Stiefvater
  • Laini Taylor
  • J.K. Rowling  
Blog Resolutions
One of the most important things to me is this blog. 2013 was a difficult year for me and it shows in my amount of posts I managed to finish. This year, I want to participate in more cover reveals, book tours, book blasts, and write more reviews. I also want to stay on schedule for my weekly feature, Short Story Weekly. Be expecting a new one every Saturday.

I want to interact with and reach more followers.  I'm trying to come up with new ideas that can help me with this. If you have any suggestions, please let me know.

Lastly, I want to revamp the look of this blog. A few months ago, someone told me they would be willing to help me but I still haven't heard back from them. In the meantime, I'll be changing a few things on my own while trying to find someone else to help. If you know how design webpages and have fair prices please contact me. :)
The End.
So, that's it. I've made a lot of goals that I hope I can meet. What do you think of my resolutions? What are your bookish New Year's Resolutions? Let me know in a comment below!

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