
Friday, February 7, 2014

*Book Blitz* Immagica by K.A. Last

Accepted Readers,

I already know you're a book lover, so the fact that a magical land awaits hidden deep within an old leather book should really peak your interest! Does magic intrigue you? Do you enjoy fantasy? Do you secretly have a thing for dragons? If you answered yes, you're going to love Immagica by K.A. Last!

In this blitz you will have the chance to get to know Rosaline Clayton, one of the main characters from the story. You will also have the chance to win an e-book copy of Immagica along with a chance to enter the blitz-wide giveaway for a swag pack from the author! 

So sit back, get comfy and step away with me to this magical world.

Title: Immagica
Author: K. A. Last
Genre: YA Fantasy/Adventure
Date of Publication: January 26, 2014
Word Count: approximately 68,000
Cover Illustration: Lawrence Mann
Cover Designer: KILA Designs –

Price: e-book- $3.99 | paperback- $13.49 

Buy Links: 

Where anything is possible.
Enter at your own risk.

The night before her fifteenth birthday, Rosaline Clayton uncovers a deep family secret. She receives an amulet from her deranged father, and he tells her she must find the book in order to save him. Rosaline is used to her dad not making any sense, so she dismisses their conversation as another of his crazy rants.

When Rosaline’s brother, Elliot, drags her to their Nana’s attic to explore, they find the old leather-bound book tucked away in a chest. It sucks them into its pages, transporting them to a magical world. Along the way Rosaline and Elliot are separated, and the only thing she wants is to find her brother and go home.

The creatures of Immagica have other ideas. After years of war their land lies in ruin. Using the amulet’s power, they want Rosaline to defeat the dragon and restore Immagica to its former glory. But Rosaline is bound to Immagica in ways she doesn’t understand, and when she discovers the truth about her family, she must follow her heart to save them all.

 Add Immagica to your Goodreads TBR:
Book Trailer:


Name: Rosaline Isobel Clayton.

Career: Next in line to inherit the amulet.

Biography: Rosaline is the daughter of Marcus and Isobel Clayton. She has a younger brother, Elliot, and they have grown up in a wealthy, but less than perfect, family. Rosaline’s mum keeps her at a distance, and her dad is a little deranged.

Age: 15.

Height: Five-feet, four-inches.

Body Type: Petite but strong.

Complexion: Pale skin with a spray of freckles across her nose.

Eyes: Emerald green.

Hair: Dark red with wild curls that fall to below her shoulders.

Clothing: Pale pink T-shirt, faded denim jeans, and Converse sneakers. Rosaline hates anything fancy. She’s a bit of a tomboy.

Voice/Demeanour: Rosaline is always polite when she needs to be, but it depends who she’s talking to. If someone has pissed her off, she doesn’t hold back in letting them know. She is well versed and educated, but she is after all a teenager.

Prejudices: Rosaline doesn’t tolerate pomp and circumstance much, which is difficult since she spends a lot of time at her rich nana’s house. She doesn’t like flashy shows of wealth and prefers things plain and simple.

Best Qualities: Rosaline is compassionate, determined, and has a pure heart.

Weaknesses: Fear of heights and flying, and her soft spot for Elliot.

Hobbies: Reading, daydreaming, exploring, and getting lost in her imagination.

Weapon of choice: Silver daggers with emerald-encrusted handles.

Talents: The ability to use the amulet’s power, especially when she has no idea what she’s doing.


Accepted Wisdom's Giveaway


K. A. Last was born in Subiaco, Western Australia, and moved to Sydney with her parents and older brother when she was eight. Artistic and creative by nature, she studied Graphic Design and graduated with an Advanced Diploma. After marrying her high school sweetheart, she concentrated on her career before settling into family life. Blessed with a vivid imagination, she began writing to let off creative steam, and fell in love with it. K. A. Last is currently studying her Bachelor of Arts at Charles Sturt University, with a major in English, and minors in Children’s Literature, Art History, and Visual Culture. She resides in a peaceful, leafy suburb north of Sydney with her husband, their two children, a rabbit named Twitch, and a guinea pig called Squeak.

Author web links:

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