
Monday, February 3, 2014

Short Story Weekly #11- Scorched by Amber Garr

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It's time for Short Story Weekly!! This week I'm featuring Scorched: A Leila Marx World Novella by Amber Garr! I received an e-ARC of this book from Amber herself and I couldn't be more excited! I've missed the characters from the Leila Marx series and I'm thrilled to that more novellas will be releasing...with so many great characters the possibilities are endless! (I'm still rooting for an novella about Mac... hehe) If you love the paranormal, you MUST check out this series.

I read Touching Evil (Leila Marx #1) last year ago and loved it! In case your interested in reading my review you can do so by clicking here.
Title: Scorched
Series: Leila Marx
Author: Amber Garr
Genre: Paranormal, Urban Fantasy
# of Pages: 94
Publication Date: February 4th
Price: $0.99
Buy Links: | Amazon | B & N |

Everyone has their demons.

Before Conner Hoffman began his new life free of collecting souls for his demon father, he spent centuries fighting against his true nature. As a cambion with a conscience, guilt plagued his mind, while the sweet taste of souls satisfied more than just his incubus cravings.

A chance encounter with a beautiful harpy leads Conner down a road to his inevitable fate. Hunted for his unique heritage, he’s forced to embrace his demon side in order to defeat those determined to see him destroyed. With friends masquerading as enemies, trusting his instincts may mean sacrificing part of his humanity.

And that’s the very last thing Conner Hoffman wants to do.

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Writing Style:
Amber Garr's writing flows beautifully and draws heavily on your imagination. Her character and world development are outstanding. When I read anything from her feels like I'm having a waking dream; the whole story takes place right before my eyes as if I'm actually a part of it. I love that she goes the extra mile when it comes to subtle details because it paints a clear and realistic picture that is quite striking. To put it lightly her writing is AMAZING!

My First Reaction:
When I heard that a novella for the Leila Marx's series I had a difficult time containing my excitement. I couldn't wait to dive back into the mystic world of Leila Marx and become reacquainted with Conner. 

My Opinion:
When I read Touching Evil Conner was one my least favorite characters. I was hoping that if I learned more about him that my initial reaction to him would alter. Fortunately, I am happy to report that it did. I think Scorched showed Conner's vulnerable side, which made him much more likeable. I enjoyed getting a glimpse of his past because now I can understand why he turned out the way he did in Touching Evil. Sometimes, you are your own worst enemy and this is true of Conner. He is fighting an inner struggle with his self that is taking a huge toll on him. (It totally explains his callousness) He is still such a complex and mysterious character to me. I really wish more was revealed about him and the deal with his father. It seems like something important was missing. There was a huge time gap between from the start until the ending of the story...I would have loved to know what happened during some of that time. (Possibly in another novella?)

The new cast of characters was pretty rad. My favorites without a doubt are Tasmin and Aldabert...I sure hope we get to see more of some of them in future books. I also loved that a few other characters from Touching Evil made an appearance; I feel like that little detail fully intertwined this novella with the Leila Marx world.

This book had so many different paranormal creatures, definitely one of my favorite aspects about it! You will have to find out for yourself which ones make an appearance, but I will say that there are some unique ones. The "celebration" they take part in will make you a bit uneasy but the outcome is action-packed! It had me on the edge of my seat!

So is Scorched steamin' hot or just lukewarm? I say it's on fire!! I would recommend that you read Touching Evil first; it will make you appreciate this novella that much more!
Amber Garr spends her days as a scientist and nights writing about other worlds. Born in Pennsylvania, she lives in Maryland with her husband and their furry kids. Her childhood imaginary friend was a witch, Halloween is sacred, and she is certain that she has a supernatural sense of smell. Amber is a multiple Royal Palm Literary Award winner, author of Waterproof, The Syrenka Series, The Leila Marx Novels, and the upcoming Death Warden Series. When not obsessing over the unknown, she can be found dancing, reading, or enjoying a good movie. 

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1 comment:

  1. Yeah! Thank you so much for taking the time to read and review!! :)
