
Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Book Hangovers

Accepted Readers,

Have you ever read a book that has left you feeling utterly and completely drained? Sometimes I come across books that leave anlasting effect on me. Some leave me feeling either emotionally or physically flushed. In rare cases, a book can cause both. I call them book hangovers. They consist of emotional breakdown (i.e.: euphoria, depression, etc.), weakness, and overall tiredness. They are an interesting phenomenal sensation. All I know is that a book has to be REALLY something special to be able to induce such feelings. 

I just literally finished a book that impacted me in both ways. I truly wasn't expecting this book to floor me like it did, I am quite shocked in fact. It was a genre that I normally lack interest in but this book changed my perception all together.  I'm not going to reveal the book as of yet... you just have to wait for the review that I will be posting this Friday but trust me you will want to come back and discover what book it is. I will say that it is a dystopian novel that deals with a paranormal creature with a splash of romance. 

I'm still feeling a bit out of it... I need to go recover from this amazing book. I think I may need a nap and a nice warm shower. *sighs*

In the meantime, I would love to know what books left you with a book hangover... Leave a comment below telling me.

1 comment:

  1. *beams and keeps mouth shut*
    Time Traveler's Wife. It still does that to me when I reread it. Also 1984, every time.
