
Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Hele's Top 5: Books to Movies (TAG)

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Accepted Readers, 

I have been seeing a tag video going around on YouTube where people are talking about their top 5 books they would love to be seen made into movies. I thought this would be perfect for me to participate in because of Hele's Top 5... hehe (see what I did there?)

Here is the link to the original video of the person who created this tag : Obsessed Reader

 As a note my choices are in no particular order, I want each and every one of these books to be made into movies... I would hate to be forced to pick just one! I choose indie author books, simply because I think they deserve to be mentioned too!

I will also post a link to my reviews to each book along with a link to each one on GoodReads. (just click each cover to find out more about that book)

Shadow of Wrath 
L.W. Patricks

My review link:

This book would be one hell of a movie! If done properly this book would have what it takes to win an award. It has everything a great movie needs... action, suspense, a love interest, loss, gore, revenge, and destruction. The premise of the story may seem familiar, but trust me it has a twist in the plot that you won't see coming. Your emotions would be maxed out from Shadow of Wrath... oh the feels it would give you!

After Life Lessons
(After Life Lessons #1)
Laila Blake & L.C. Spoering

My review will be up soon.

Everyone loves zombies it seems... everyone but me that is. However, if After Life Lessons was made into a movie, I know I would love it! This book has a new take on the classic Zombie Apocalypse, one I find to be far more realistic to how people would respond during a zombie out-break. It has action, humor, a love story, and so much more. If this book became a film I would watch it over and over!

Death of the Body
(Crossing Death #1)

My review link:

I'm a horror movie junkie. I've seen just about every scary movie you can think of, yet few of them actually scare me. If Death of the Body was made into a movie, it would scare the shit out of me. It would have to be watched with the lights on, in a room full of people, with a vial of holy water nearby for protection. Even then, it would still give me nightmares. The crazy part, I would welcome that scare because I have to respect anything that can freak me out like this book did! Death of the Body would blow most "scary" movies out of the water! 

Almost Matched
(Almost Bad Boys #1)
A.O. Peart

My review link:

As a woman, I enjoy the occasional romantic comedy. (Lifetime sometimes takes over my life) Almost Matched would make the perfect chick-flick movie! It is filled with loads of steamy scenes and paired with the right cast, it would be mind-blowing sexy. Women would flock to this movie like white on rice... it has everything that is needed for a girl's night out celebration; humor, sexy men, and a bit of suspense. This would be the new Sex and the City, baby! 

The Soul's Mark: FOUND
(The Soul's Mark #1)

1 comment:

  1. Would have never known about this but for you and your top 5!
