
Saturday, March 22, 2014

Relaxing On Saturday

Accepted Readers,

I am proud to report that my relaxation weekend is off to a wondrous start! It's been filled with Netflix, Hulu, napping, and dancing around the house in my pj's. It's been quite enjoying and entertaining.

Tonight looks like it will be exciting, it's a date night with my boyfriend. By date I mean watching TV, playing video games, and cuddling in our pj's. It's great to have someone I can be a bum with. Everyone needs that one person... that they can be themselves around. Fortunately he doesn't mind my weirdness... So it's a double win! Woot!

I did make the time to go out and grab some Starbucks... My venti white mocha chocolate frappuccinos are about the only thing that ALWAYS get me out of the house. Coffee is also just as effective. Okay, honestly anything with caffeine will work. I'm not picky, I'm a caffeine addict and proud of it. :-P 

What is one thing that can make you leave your house when you are being a bum? Let me know by leaving a comment below!

Make sure you stop back by tomorrow for a very special Short Story Weekly featuring author A.O. Peart with a giveaway! If you enjoy New Adult/Adult Romantic Comedy/Suspense books, you won't want to miss out!

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