
Wednesday, April 23, 2014


Accepted Readers,

We all have a mile long list of soon-to-be released books that we are excited to read. Today I am sharing one of mine. I just came across this book but the cover hooked me and the blurb sunk me. Hooked, Lined, and Sinker... it has to be mine!

What do you think of my choice? Tell me what book your looking forward to! Be sure to check back next Wednesday to see another one of my anticipated reads!

Paperback, 1st, 288 pages
Expected publication: May 5th 2014 by Revolution Publishing, Inc.

Stalked by her abusive ex-fiancĂ©, Rae Zachery retaliates by singing karaoke and spilling all their dirty secrets to the entire bar. When her ex attempts to silence her brazen performance, sexy, leather-clad Parker comes to her rescue and soundly punches her ex in the face. As valiant as that may be, Rae finds Parker’s violent assistance unsettling, yet she can’t help but be drawn to him and his tragic past.

Fighting her attraction for Parker is a battle Rae can’t win, and soon their night of sharing secrets morphs into an undeniable bond. But fate won’t so easily relinquish her grip on their happily-ever-after. Instead of blissfully skipping into obscurity, Rae and Parker are subjected to her ex-fiancĂ©’s vicious proclivities. Who knew love could hurt so good?

"Ah, screw this. I don’t wait for him to make the first move; I kiss him."

You can read the first 5 chapters of LOVE'S PARADOX {{{ HERE }}}

Or request a copy on Netgalley -- Currently available under READ NOW.

For a limited time only you can pre-order LOVE'S PARADOX for $2.99 on Barnes and Noble & iTunes!

On May 5th LOVE'S PARADOX will be back at regular price. Pre-order your copy today!

We pre-ordered ours!! :) 

Join the Facebook Release Party!

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