
Saturday, August 9, 2014


Accepted Readers,

Today I have a special author highlight for you! I had the honor of meeting E.J. Brock at an author signing held at my local library. I became an instant fan after I had the chance to sit in on a reading of the first chapter of her book BROCK'S Redemption (A "Spirit" Mate Series #1), with her fiery passion, you couldn't help but give this woman your attention!

In today's post, I will be showcasing E.J.'s entire "Spirit" Mate Series... so sit back and enjoy this journey with me! This paranormal romance series is filled with hunky angels, demons and spiritual warfare. 

PS: E.J. is from the same part of Indiana that I live in! Woot!
BROCK'S Redemption
(A "Spirit" Mate Love Story #1)
BROCK is by far the most powerful “Ultimate” Watcher to roam the earth. Bound by duty and love, he has spent centuries living in the shadows, protecting God’s so loved…..humanity from his evil demon brethren.

JODI is a college professor who has been abandoned by her husband, family and friends. She has lost faith humanity and has no interest in establishing a new relationship. But when she walks upon Brock, in the park, both their worlds are changed. But is that change for the better?

Jodi is Brock’s ‘Spirit’ Mate. She’s the one woman whose blood promises to extinguish the fiery darts of his demon within. Nothing will keep him from claiming her. But can she risk it? Are her wounds too deep?

Unknown to both of them, Brock’s enemies are gathering in mass. In hopes of delivering a devastating final blow to him, Jodi becomes their number one target. 

How far will he go to save his “Spirit” Mate’s? Will Brock rescue Jodi in time for his own REDEMPTION?

Their contemporary love story is fraught with new found self worth, spirituality, sexuality and fierce bloody battles.
The e-book edition is only .99 cents!  (paperback- $14.39)
| Amazon |

 Chronicle Reading Order of 
A "Spirit" Mate Series
Click on the cover to read the summary of each book.

A Sanctioned Mate Series
The newest release from E.J. Brock
A Sanctioned Mate Series book 1
EJ Brock, Indie Author of "A Spirit Mate Romance Series", was born in Chicago and raised in Gary, Indiana. From a young age her parents taught her and her nine siblings the importance of reading. In fact, even when school was out her parents took them to the library to pick out two books each to read over the summer. She wrote her first short story at the age of ten, and submitted it in her school's writing contest. She won first place...

She comes from a strong Christian background and as a youth was very active in Sunday school, Baptist Training Union (BTU), and Vacation Bible School. She believes this training at an early age set her course in life.

She started playing the piano for the church at age nine, and the organ by the time she was in junior high. But, her love was reading, specifically the written Word.

As an adult she has been a Sunday school, mission, and a call to discipleship teacher. It is to that end that she writes her Paranormal Romance Novels.
Her series is a backdrop of two scriptures: Gen. 6:1 "The sons of God saw the daughters of men and found them to be fair and they took them wives of all which they chose." and, Jude 1:6 "And the Angels kept not their first estate."
She makes it easy to visualize everyday struggles, with spiritual warfare. She gives us a firsthand view of the battle between good and evil; angel and demon. All for the souls of God's so loved humanity.

The 'angel' that we all believe we have, is alive and visible. She captivates her reader's minds with her literary machinations of that one true love ordained in the Heavens. She leaves you longing for your own "Spirit Mate".

 Contact Links:

| Amazon | Facebook | Twitter | Website |

Here is a picture of me with E.J. (my boyfriend is hiding in the back)

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