
Sunday, August 24, 2014

*TOUR+Review* THE SEED & Other Fairy Tales by Joseph Hillenbrand

Hi Accepted Readers,

Welcome to my tour stop for The Seed & Other Fairy Tales by Joseph Hillenbrand. I'm always searching for short story collections to read because I am able to sneak off unnoticed for a while to read without being interrupted. This collection contains 9 eerie and sometimes deranged short stories that are perfect for stormy nights. Don't say I didn't warn you....

Keep reading to learn more about this book and to read my review.
The Seed & Other Fairy Tales
By Joseph Hillenbrand
Genre: Short Stories, Fiction, Fairy Tales

Book synopsis:
How do you measure yourself? By family, friends, enemies? By what you fight for? Or what you fight against?

Follow the tales of those struggling to find an identity of their own. A little girl with a ghost as a best friend. A woman who hates wishes. A man lost in the secret kingdom of frog people. A girl at war with her god. And a pair of soldiers on a deadly mission of peace.

The seeds have been sown. The storm is coming. Who will grow and who will drown?

Purchase Links:
| Amazon | B&N | Kobo | iTunes Store | 

This Short Story Collection Contains:

The Seed 
The Girl in the Forest
 Two and One 
My All 
Hunger Pains 
Sand Castles

I was born, raised and still live in the outskirts of Chicago. Every few years a move a little further west. Slowly inching my way to California. I love the big sky, the vast plains, the harvest moons of the Midwest.

I grew up reading comic books and playing G.I. Joe. Watching wrestling and listening to Led Zeppelin. I drew, I wrote, I strummed. I learned Stone Temple Pilots and I read Beckett. I grew and I withered.

I have spent the majority of my time in software - from support to development to management. And with my first book out now, I'm trying to get back to my roots: telling stories. 

Social Media Links:
Twitter: Xtapalapaquetl (
I read this entire anthology in one day. I wish I would've spread it out over the course of a few days because now I want more and atlas there is none. Come on Mr. Hillenbrand, write some more creative and morbid stories for me to devour. Pretty please?

I loved the dark fairy tales presented in this collection. Each story is unique in the way they are told and all have unexpected outcomes. Everything from cannibalism, talking mystical animals, strange kingdoms, murder, and evil creatures are mentioned in this anthology so needless to say, some of these stories are NOT meant for those who are easily upset or have problems with violence. However, if you're a bit on the eccentric side like I am, you are totally going to love these stories!

If you enjoy all things strange and macabre, you will love this short story collection. Some of the stories included in this set are more demented than others, but as a whole the collection is quite deranged. If you're looking for those classic HEA types of fairy tale endings...I suggest looking elsewhere because you won't find any them here. (Well you may come across one or two, but who's counting?)

My favorite stories include:
The Seed
Hunger Pangs
Sand Castles

Follow The Tour For The Seed & Other Fairy Tales:

August 1st The Book’s Buzz
August 2nd my name is: Sage
August 3rd Mother Daughter Duo Reviews
August 4th Book Club Sisters
August 6th Casual Readers
August 8th Amia Book Lover
August 8th The Reader’s Hollow
August 9th The Book Adventures of Emily 
August 14th Books Are Love 
August 18th Brooke Blogs 
August 19th Live Interview on BlogTalkRadio @8pm PST
August 23rd Book Fidelity
August 24th Accepted Wisdom
August 25th Ashley’s World
August 27th Book Weyr 
August 28th Inspire to Read 
August 29th Hogwash

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