
Monday, September 29, 2014

*Release Blitz* Forever & More (The Friend Zone Series #3) by Tabetha Thompson

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tabby coverForever & More 

(The Friend Zone #3)

Author: Tabetha Thompson

  Release Date: September 29 

Genre: Contemporary Romance 

Hosted by: Author Liaisons 



It’s a time for new beginnings, a time for change, but things don’t always go as planned. How do you pick up the pieces of your heart and move on when you can't find them all? 

Chloe recovers from her physical injuries, but does that mean she's healed? How much longer can Skye sit back and watch the only woman he loves slowly kill herself? 

Lines are crossed and souls are shattered, but when you have faith in those you love, nothing is completely lost. 

Happily ever after's come to those who work for it. It’s not something that is handed out freely. For it to be worth something, you have to earn it. 

Purchase Forever & More (Friend Zone Book 3)

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♦About the Author♦
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About me? Huh well what can I say. I'm a twenty-nine-year-old stay at home mother of two beautiful girls and I have the opportunity to share my stories with you… My children are amazing. There isn’t a day that goes by that they don’t challenge my husband and I or make us laugh and feel loved. Growing up the way I did, I never wanted kids, but they’re here and I wouldn’t trade them for anything in the world for. God has truly blessed my family and me. My husband Bill is the levelheaded one; he’s always so calm and logical, whereas I'm the loud-mouthed spaz that doesn’t know when to shut up. He was my saving grace in a time when I really needed one. I honestly believe he is my gift from God. He’s everything I've ever wanted: smart, kind, loving, PATIENT, (lord knows he needs it living with me) and so very supportive! I'm a firm believer in going through life’s tragedies and blessings so that you can become the person you were meant to be. Writing has always been a hidden passion of mine and I am so thankful that I finally have the opportunity to share my stories with you.   
♦Social Media Links♦

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Purchase More Than Friends (Friend Zone Book 1)

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