
Sunday, September 14, 2014

*REVIEW TOUR* Dead Girl Walking by Ruth Silver

Title: Dead Girl Walking
Series: Royal Reaper (#1)
Author: Ruth Silver
Published: April 24th, 2014
Publisher: Patchwork Press
Genre: YA, Paranormal Fantasy
Pages: 195

Purchase Links: 
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In 1346, Princess Ophelia Dacre sneaks out of the castle to visit her boyfriend in secret. A perfect night cut short when she’s brutally murdered.

Ophelia is given the rare chance to become a grim reaper. She must become Leila Bele, cut ties with her old life, and follow the rules of the reapers. Her greatest adventure begins with death.
"The scroll chose you. For whatever reason, she's your reap."
"Well, that sucks." Leila chewed her bottom lip. "If I don't do it?" 
Edon hesitated before he said, "Her soul will rot inside her body. Do you have any idea what that’s like? She'll be a living corpse, a shell of a person. She won't feel anything including love. We as reapers, the undead, feel more than she ever will alive." 
Leila swallowed the lump in her throat. "How do you know that?" 
"Because I've seen what it does to a person," Edon said. "That little girl deserves better."

Writing style: 
I would describe the writing of this novel as concise.  The story processes fairly quickly, but is executed excellently with a smooth flow. Beware of the slight cliffhanger, which will make you eagerly await the next book in this series. The likeable, witty characters make this story a must-read.

My Opinion:
Who said grim reapers had to wear black hooded cloaks and carry a scythe? Take everything you have heard of reapers and throw it out the window because it's totally not like that all at! They are just like me and you, well sort of. They walk among us, dress like us, and even have heartbeats! They are like a hybrid breed of the undead. (Without all those pesky restrictions and brain munching of course.)  The reapers in Dead Girl Walking are sassy, trouble seeking teenagers that are set on bending the rules. Who would have thought dying would provide so much entertainment?

Ophelia is a princess whose life is sudden tuned upside down. Imagine one minute having everything and the next losing it and being throw into a strange new world. The biggest problem she faces is her past, more specifically straying away from it.  Given the situation, I would have reacted the same way.... it's hard forgetting the life you had.  Fortunately for her, her fellow reapers are always willing to provide aid in her ventures; no matter the risks involved. Reapers are like family, they protect one another until the end.

To-Read or Not-To-Read:
Read. You're going to enjoy this fresh new take on reapers!
Ruth Silver attended Northern Illinois University and graduated with a Bachelor's in Communication in the spring of 2005.  While in college, she spent much of her free time writing with friends she met online and penning her first novel, Deuces are Wild, which she self-published in 2004.  Her favorite class was Creative Writing senior year where she often handed in assignments longer than the professor required because she loved to write and always wanted to finish her stories.  Her love of writing led her on an adventure in 2007 to Melbourne, Australia. 

Silver enjoys reading, photography, traveling and most of all writing.  She loves dystopian and fantasy young adult stories.  Her debut novel published by Lazy Day Publishing and Patchwork Press, ABERRANT, was released April 2013.  The second novel in the series, MOIRAI, continues the saga. ISAURA, is the final installment in the ABERRANT trilogy. Ruth has been actively writing since she was a teenager.  Her current writing projects include a YA science-fiction fantasy series, ORENDA, and a YA/NA paranormal series, DEAD GIRL WALKING. Both novels are due for release in 2014. She currently resides in Plainfield, Illinois.

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