
Sunday, October 12, 2014

*BLOG TOUR-REVIEW* Linked by Judy Serrano

Accepted Readers,

I am back today with my second day for the blog tour of Linked by Judy Serrano. Last time I shared a highlight with an excerpt, you can view that post by clicking here. Today I'm sharing my review!   

(Linked Series #1)
By- Judy Serrano
Genre- Adult Paranormal Romance

Daphne Foster is a substitute teacher stuck in an English class, waiting for that dreaded parent-teacher conference. With much preparation and anxiety, she encounters the unforgettable Charlie Cross. His charm and good looks, win her over but rumors of his involvement with organized crime make his continued disappearances disturbing. 
In walks Heathcliff Vanderpool, creating a love triangle of unusual sorts. Unknown to Daphne, Heathcliff and Charlie are old friends: Older than she could have imagined. With Charlie away on business, Daphne and Heathcliff discover a passion between them lying beneath the surface. As their souls link, pulling away from Charlie becomes next to impossible. Will his involvement in organized crime consume them both before she's able to get free? 
When you become "linked," the choice may not be your own.

3.5 Stars
I had a really difficult time getting into this book. It reminded me of the movies Twilight and The Substitute but with a mafia flair. At first glance, the whole concept came off as slightly unoriginal but the dash of corny humor made it bearable. However, after I reached the 50% mark, the story improved drastically! I polished off the last half of the book in a faction of the time it took me to get through the first section. The action sequences kept the pace of the plot at a steady speed and the major plot twist really spiced things up. I was stunned at how the entire story turned around and how much better it actually became. This novel ends with a bang... prepare yourself for the unthinkable.

Daphne irritated me throughout most of the book. I can't quite fathom how someone can be so naive.  She may be young but she isn't a teenager anymore and I really wished she realized that sooner. All the vampires mentioned in this book are down right yummy... the way they should be. The other creatures that appear in this book are down-right brutal and cruel. I don't want to spoil you, you'll have to read it for yourself to see what type of creatures they turn out to be.

The last thing I want to touch on is the whole concept of "being linked". I thought of it as a soul mate type of deal but it is much more complex. The concept of how the process works completely fascinates me. I can't quite think of a way to describe it without ruining the plot for you, but I will say... WOW. Just wow!

About the Author-
Judy Serrano graduated from Texas A&M University, Commerce with a BA in English. She is the owner of Make Cents Editing Service, and is an adjunct professor at a local college. She is a freelance writer for certain on-line publications and writes romantic suspense and paranormal romance novels. She is the author of The Easter’s Lilly Series, the Linked Series, and Ivy Vines, Visions.

Although she is originally from New York, she currently resides in Texas with her husband, four children, (all boys) and five dogs. She is also a singer/songwriter in her spare time.


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