
Friday, January 2, 2015

Happy New Year + GoodReads 2014 Reading Challenge Update

Accepted Readers,

I know I haven't been around lately... I've been taking a much needed break away from the internet. I won't be posting much for a while but I hope to be able to get back into the swing of things soon. I just wanted to wish each and every one of you a belated Happy New Year!! I hope your year has started out being amazing already!

I also wanted to update you guys on my progress with my GoodReads 2014 reading challenge...I set my goal at 50, but only managed to squeeze in 47 (well actually 46, I included one that I started on Dec. 26th 2014 but finished on January 1st, that will actually be my first read of 2015). So close right? This year I've decided to go with the same goal amount of 50. I really hope to surpass it though.

Did you reach your reading goals? What are your goals for this year?

To check out which books I read in 2014 click the link below: 

I plan on doing a post for my top 10 reads of 2014 along with sharing a reading challenge I hope to participate in... so I'll chat with you guys soon!


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