
Friday, January 10, 2014

*COVER REVEAL* Almost Broken Up by A.O. Peart

Accepted Readers,

Today I have a very special cover reveal for you guys; Almost Broken Up by A.O. Peart! I was an instant fan of this new series; The Almost Bad Boys!  I  reviewed Almost Matched (book 1) and it was featured on my special feature Short Story Weekly. If you're interested in reading my review it can be found here

The author is looking for reviewers . If you are a book reviewer and would like to read and review the ARC for Almost Broken Up, please sign up HERE ASAP.
Cover designed by  Mae I Design
Title: Almost Broken Up
Series: Almost Bad Boys (#2)
Author: A.O. Peart
 Publication Date: January 13th, 2014
Genre: Contemporary,  Mystery, New Adult
# Of Pages: 189 (novella)
Buy Links: | Amazon | B & N |
How far would you go to protect the one you love?

Edge-of-the-seat suspense and zany wit are key elements of this comedy-mystery that combines crime and mayhem with romance and humor.

The terrors of Colin’s past are revealed and accepted by Natalie. Her doubts about letting him into her life are finally disbanded and replaced by a sense of security and commitment. But Natalie doesn’t know that Colin’s past hides more dark secrets unknown even to him.

When a delusional psychopath threatens Colin’s life, things quickly become complicated. Natalie’s stubborn character and desire to kick ass won’t let her step aside and allow the authorities to handle the danger. She gets herself tangled up with street hoodlums, befriends a Russian mobster’s high-maintenance girlfriend, and becomes expert at picking locks and hiding evidence.

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This contemporary romantic comedy/mystery blends humor and sensuality with enough thriller elements to make you clutch the pages with terror. The offbeat characters and witty dialogue from Almost Matched are here to stay.

**Warning: contains sexual situations, profanity, and a high dose of sarcasm. Oh, and the appletini is still the drink of choice.

May not be appropriate for readers under 18 years old. Not intended for prigs and sourpusses who get easily affronted**

The Almost Bad Boys series are the stories of four feisty twenty-something women who refuse to let their past drag them down.

The author A.O. Peart is hosting a giveaway for a signed copy of Almost Matched (Almost Bad Boys #1) 

Here's the entry form go enter! :)

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Direct Link:
Would you check out this gorgeous cover? It goes together with Almost Matched (book #1) perfectly! I just love when covers for series complement each other, don't you? (I added images of both covers below)

I think the red text works wonderfully against the black and while background and gives the book a sense of danger fueled by passion.  I like the cover blurb  and I'm certain it will draw readers in. The gun placed on the cover is a nice touch... so much mystery and intrigue wrapped up in a gorgeous package! I also love the look of desire and need on Natalie's face, like her whole life depends on Colin. 

*squeals*  I totally can't wait to read this book! 

What do you guys think of this cover? 
Does it make you want to read this book? 
Angela Orlowski-Peart is the author of the Young Adult and New Adult fiction novels, including YA paranormal/urban fantasy romantic thriller series, Forged. Angela writes in multiple YA and NA genres, including paranormal, fantasy, urban fantasy, contemporary, sci-fi, and short stories.

She was born and raised in Poland. She now lives in the Seattle area with her family and a chronically curious cat.

Angela describes herself as European born, American by choice.

Find the Author here:

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