
Saturday, January 11, 2014

Short Story Weekly #8: Words with Fiends by Matt Schiariti

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Accepted Readers,

Welcome to another SSW! I have been hard at work tracking down books that I can use for this feature. I need 52 of them! (That's the number of Saturdays in this year) So, if you have any suggestions please send them my way! 

The requirements needed for a SSW selection:
The books/short stories can be of any genre but must be under or around 200 pages. (A bit above is okay) Novellas and series are also welcomed. 
Title: Words with Fiends
 Author: Matt Schiariti
# of pages: 27
Genre: Horror/Suspense
Publication Date : December 27th, 2012
Purchase info: Currently free
| Amazon | B & N |

When Morgan receives an anonymous invite to play his favorite mobile word game, he readily accepts. He quickly finds himself wishing he hadn’t. As the rules of the game bend and twist, so does his mind. The search to discover the mystery opponent’s identity soon becomes his whole world, but some questions are best left unanswered.

 **Words With Fiends is approximately 10,000 words**

Writing Style: 
I cannot believe that this is the first story that Matt Schiariti wrote! Words with Fiends had everything a short story should; A plot with a definite ending, well developed characters, and an intriguing storyline. I’m floored by how amazing good the writing turned out to be!

My review:

One of the reasons I wanted to read Words with Fiends is because I used to be addicted to the game it's based on. The second reason being that I’m a huge fan of anything horror. It did not disappoint! Words with Fiends reminded me of the stories featured on the television show Tales from the Crypt. I would love to see this story made into a short film, it would be terrifying! 

The suspense and horror elements in this story were phenomenal! I totally wasn’t expecting it to end the way it did, it kept me guessing the entire time. The irony of this tale will chill you to the bone! Let’s safely assume that if I get an anonymous menacing invite from Words with Friends anytime soon, I may die from fear. (I may even uninstall the game from my cell phone until my fears subside.) 

This is a definite read for anyone who loves a good suspense/horror story! Stop whatever you’re doing and go download it now! It is a quick, but satisfying read you don’t want to miss!

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