
Saturday, March 1, 2014

31 Day Blogging Challenge- March Edition! (Day #1)

Accepted Readers,

 The 31 Day Blogging Challenge is back! I participated in the October 2013 challenge and enjoyed it so much that I signed up to do it again! I posted every day in the month of October... let's see if I can do the same for this month! This challenge came at the perfect time because I have been a bit sluggish when it comes to blogging. This challenge may give me the push that I've been needing.

Get off your blogging behind this March! We can do it, we can do it! Join Here
Keep reading for more information about this awesome event. :)
What Is It?
The Goal: 
 Publish 31 posts in 31 days. 
The posts can be about anything you want and do not have to be posted by a certain time each day.

What You Need To Do:
  1. Write a post
  2. Publish a post
  3. Tweet a link to your post on Twitter with the hashtag #31dbc
  4. Comment on 1-2 blog posts
 Why you should join:

You will have access to a wonderful supportive team:
Once you sign up for the event (registration is free), you receive daily emails filled with tips and support to get your creative juices flowing. A little motivation can go a long way!

Increase traffic to your blog and meet fellow bloggers:
The more readers the better right? No blog can ever have TOO many followers! It's also great to chat with fellow bloggers... their tips/advice and support can help out a great deal.

A Challenge with a prize:
Every person who joins the challenge has a chance to win a $50 gift card if they publish 31 posts in 31 days.

This is just my basic run-down of the event. 
Information used from:
Check out the: FAQ
Wish me luck guys! I'm going to need it...the October challenge kicked my butt. I need ideas for what types of posts you guys would like to see... (It can be anything; it's not limited to book related posts) 

I will be bringing back a few weekly posts that I haven't done for a long while including Hele's Top 5 and tags/challenges. I will also be getting back on track and catching up with Short Story Weekly.

If you do decide to join, please leave comment below telling me you did! I would love to stop by and check out your posts!
I hope you guys enjoy this journey with me!


  1. Hi Helena, I'm in the 31 Day Blogging Challenge--signed up a few days aposted today and Tweeted it. Glad to have you as a fellow blogger. You can see my blog at

  2. Hi Pat, thank you for stopping by my blog today! :) It's my pleasure to meet you my fellow blogger! :)

    Good luck on the challenge, I know we can do this! Is this the first 31 Day Blogging Challenge that you have participated in? I'm heading over to your blog now can't wait to see what you posted. I hope that you stop back by my blog again to see one of my more interesting posts. =-X
