
Sunday, March 2, 2014

Just a random post...

Accepted Readers,

I apologize that I haven't been posting like I should. I've been living my life in the fast lane. In this past week alone I've done a complete 180 in my appearance with a new haircut and tattoo. I don't really know what's been going on with me, I've been in such a weird mood lately. I've been craving change, maybe because there is so much in my life happening that I have no control over. Or maybe the moon is in a strange phase..who knows? Sometimes I think I'm going crazy, or having a midlife crisis. (But I'm not quite that old yet)

I haven't read/finished a book since February 7th. Which is so unlike me. I was doing so good and all of a sudden I went on a downward spiral. I miss reading and will be getting back on schedule this month.... No excuses.

I've been posting more frequently on the Facebook page for Accepted Wisdom (link is in the right sidebar) ; If you haven't already I would love if you check it out and maybe give it a like while you're there. You're missing out on giveaways and other pretty cool stuff.

Be expecting a lot of Short Story Weekly posts in the upcoming weeks, along with lots of other book related material. If you're a fan of anything Shakespeare, you won't want to miss tomorrow's post. I have so many cover reveals, book blasts, and reviews in store for you guys as well. So excited!!

I know this post seems a bit rushed, I'm actually writing it via my cellphone. (Not an easy task.. AT All) So if you spot any grammar mistakes, opps. Lol. I gotta get going, it's almost dinner time.

Take care,


  1. I haven't been reading much lately either, even though I keep buying new books. I'm not much of a fiction reader. I look forward to what you have to say during the blog challenge!

    1. I also have a bit of a book buying addiction....I buy tons and most set on my shelves begging to be read. lol Thank you for stopping by my blog! Good Luck on the challenge! :)
