
Sunday, March 30, 2014

The End is Near

Accepted Readers,

Today is the day before the last of March and that means that the 31 Day Blogging Challenge is nearly over. After this post goes live, I've successfully wrote and published a post every day of March thus far. It has proven to be a difficult but rewarding challenge. I've seen increased traffic flow on this blog along with gaining new readers! I truly love the 31 Day Blogging Challenge! The last week has been the hardest because I'm running out of ideas, but I've mostly made it! Yay!

Thank you for reading my posts.. without you this blog would nothing! I appreciate you and value your opinion! Have you enjoyed the type of posts that I've been shelling out this month? Do you have a favorite? Was there anything you disliked? Please let me know in a comment below, this blog is for you to enjoy. Help me make it more exciting while being fresh and interesting.

Tomorrows post will be an update on all of the posts I've written for the #31dbc... It will be a one stop post for everything I've done for the entire month of March... You won't wanna miss it!
Remember I currently have a giveaway going on for the chance to win an e-book bundle containing all 3 books of the Almost Bad Boys series by A.O. Peart... here is the rafflecopter to enter in case your interested:

One Winner will receive an e-book bundle from Amazon or Barnes & Noble containing:

 The original post that includes links to my reviews for each book can be found by clicking here

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