
Monday, March 31, 2014

31 Day Blogging Challenge Final Update

Accepted Readers,

Today is the last day of March and that means it's the last day of the 31 Day Blogging Challenge. This entry will be the 37th that I've posted during the month of March. I blew past my goal of 31! I am delighted that I was able to complete the challenge and was able to put out so much content. It was difficult at times but with the aid of the blogger phone app, I was able to achieve my goals. 

If I can blog so often, anyone can! It just takes dedication! If you decided not to join in on this month's 31 Day Blogging Challenge, I urge you to give it a go the next time around. Once I know when the next challenge starts, I'll be sure to write a post about it. If you did sign up for the challenge, how did you do? Did you reach your goal? I want to know! 

This is a bittersweet moment for me. On one hand I'm relieved that I don't have to rush to blog everyday but at the same time I've grown so used to it, I'm not sure I want to stop.  I will be continuing to post for a few new features; hopefully I can stay on track.

Every Wednesday: "Waiting On" Wednesay
At least once a week: Short Story Weekly
A few times a month: Bookish Questions
A few times a month: Hele's Top 5
At least once a month: TAGs/Challenges 

Features will be subject to changes, depending on my schedule. 

What are your thoughts about these various features? Do you enjoy them? Dislike them? Do you want to see something different? Please don't hesitate to let me know.

In case you missed any of my posts for the challenge:

Day #3: (2 posts)  
Day #10: (2 Posts)
Day #11: Book Hangovers
Day #12: (2 Posts)  
Day #21:  (2 Posts)

Day #27: (2 Posts)
Day #28: (2 Posts)

Day #30: The End Is Near
Day #31: 31 Day Blogging Challenge Final Update

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