Title: Who is Audrey Wickersham?
Author: Sara Shrieves
# of Pages: 147 (eBook edition)
Series: Book 1
Series: Book 1
4 out of 5 Stars
GoodReads Summary:
I know everything
that's happened is my fault. I try to tell myself that it's okay, I
never wanted a normal life to begin with. But then I think about who's
been hurt, and I wish that I could go back to the beginning. Back to
when I was just a nobody wandering the halls of my high school, alone
and unnoticed. Back to when I was completely oblivious to what killing
somebody felt like.
You have to understand though, I had no choice.
You have to understand though, I had no choice.
*I received this book for free to review from the: [Lovers of Paranormal ] Read2Review Program*
Could you imagine being attacked by a strange worm-like thing that in a short time would cause you to become a zombie? That is exactly what happens to teenager Audrey Wickersham in this story....
Writing Style:
"Who Is Audrey Wickersham" is a debut novel from author Sara Shrieves. I have to admit that for being a new author she does an amazing job! Her writing style is very laid back and easy to read. She gives you just enough detail to understand what is going on and to keep your attention. She brings her characters to life in such a way that you find yourself lost inside their world. I hope to read more of her work soon!
My overall opinion:
I knew from the instant I saw this cover I had to read it! It had everything I would ever want in a book.... (zombies, witches, vampires, an epic gay man, and humor) I loved how zombies and vampires come together in this story, giving the paranormal genre a refreshing change. My favorite part about this book was the humor, at many parts I caught myself laughing out loud or giggling to myself. (I'm pretty sure people thought I was nuts) I would recommend this book to anyone who wants a quick, humorous read filled with all things paranormal.
However the ending disappointed me. It was so abrupt that I was sure that some chapters were missing, but that was not the case. This book has so much potential and am pleased to hear that a sequel is in the works! I really want to know what happens to Audrey and see how she adapts to her new change!
To read the entire first chapter of this novel: http://www.sarashrieves.com/