Thursday, September 27, 2012

Who is Audrey Wickersham?

Author: Sara Shrieves
# of Pages: 147 (eBook edition)
Series: Book 1
4 out of 5 Stars

GoodReads Summary:
I know everything that's happened is my fault. I try to tell myself that it's okay, I never wanted a normal life to begin with. But then I think about who's been hurt, and I wish that I could go back to the beginning. Back to when I was just a nobody wandering the halls of my high school, alone and unnoticed. Back to when I was completely oblivious to what killing somebody felt like.

You have to understand though, I had no choice.

*I received this book for free to review from the: [Lovers of Paranormal ] Read2Review Program*

Could you imagine being attacked by a strange worm-like thing that in a short time would cause you to become a zombie? That is exactly what happens to teenager Audrey Wickersham in this story....

Writing Style:  
"Who Is Audrey Wickersham" is a debut novel from author Sara Shrieves. I have to admit that for being a new author she does an amazing job! Her writing style is very laid back and easy to read. She gives you just enough detail to understand what is going on and to keep your attention. She brings her characters to life in such a way that you find yourself lost inside their world. I hope to read more of her work soon!

My overall opinion: 
I knew from the instant I saw this cover I had to read it! It had everything I would ever want in a book.... (zombies, witches, vampires, an epic gay man, and humor) I loved how zombies and vampires come together in this story, giving the paranormal genre a refreshing change. My favorite part about this book was the humor, at many parts I caught myself laughing out loud or giggling to myself. (I'm pretty sure people thought I was nuts) I would recommend this book to anyone who wants a quick, humorous read filled with all things paranormal. 

However the ending disappointed me. It was so abrupt that I was sure that some chapters were missing, but that was not the case. This book has so much potential and am pleased to hear that a sequel is in the works! I really want to know what happens to Audrey and see how she adapts to her new change!

To read the entire first chapter of this novel:

Thursday, September 13, 2012

I got a Liebster Blog Award!

Being a new blogger, I was excited to find that I was awarded the "Liebster Blog Award" from my lovely subscriber Debdatta from b00k r3vi3ws... I truly appreciate you thinking of me and including me in your choices! Thank you so much it means the world to me! 

What is a Liebster Blog Award? 

I was asking myself the same question when I heard about it. After some research I found that this award has a few variations and was invented a few years ago. This version of the award is given to blogs with fewer than 200 subscribers and comes with 5 questions from the award giver. Oh yeah, in case you were wondering, Liebster is German word meaning "favorite" so in translation "Favorite Blog Award" (something to that effect) 

 Thank and link back to the giver
 Answer the award giver's questions
 Nominate 5 other blogs that have fewer than 200 followers 

(send them a note telling them along with a link back to your post)
 Ask 5 questions for your nominees to answer 
(different from the ones you were asked)

Q & A Time

1. Hardcover, paperback, or ebooks? 
I love any format really, but my favorites I prefer to have in paperback. (even if I already own them as an ebook)
2. What's your ambiance while writing your blog posts?
Complete and utter silence. Sadly, my attention span and concentration can be broken rather quickly... lol

3. One movie based on a book, you think has actually managed to do justice to the book.
I would have to say "The Hunger Games", asides from a few minor changes I feel the movie portrayed the plot and characters extremely close to how they should have been! 
4. Do you have an Idol – a Role model? 
Yes. My role model is my mother. She may have been strict on me, but she worked her butt off to take care of me and help mold me into the woman I am today! 
5. What’s your mantra in life?
I'm a bit confused on definition of mantra, I'm thinking it means a quote or saying that you live by. (hopefully) If that is the case mine would be..."I Can Only Be Me, take it or leave it, but you can't change it."
My Nominee's & Their Questions
  1. What is your favorite genre of book to read?
  2. What made you decide to start a blog?
  3. What do you enjoy reading more, stand-alone novels or series?
  4. Do you judge books based on their covers?
  5. What other hobbies do you enjoy?

Sunday, September 9, 2012

The Soul's Mark: FOUND by Ashley Stoyanoff

Title: The Soul's Mark: FOUND

5 out of 5 Stars


 Anxious to leave her destructive past behind, Amelia Caldwell moves to Willowberg, excited for a fresh start. Once there, she discovers that her birthmark is more than it seems. She has been marked by a vampire’s soul. Not only does she hold his soul, but Amelia is also his soulmate.

After almost a century of searching for his soulmate, Mitchell Lang fears the worst—he is going to lose Amelia to another man. His heart takes over, and his impulsive decision to take away her free will and to intensify their bond quickly turns her growing love into hate.

When they become trapped in the emotional rollercoaster of their souls' bond, open conflict erupts. Amelia has no intentions of belonging to anyone, not even her soulmate, and Mitchell refuses to let her go.

While she frantically searches for a way to escape his grasp, Amelia unlocks the painful memories of her past and uncovers a powerful secret. But before she has a chance to explore her newfound edge, she finds herself caught in the middle of a deadly game of revenge and is forced to realize that YOU CANNOT RUN FROM DESTINY.

Once I picked up this book, I could not put it down! (I read it over a course  of two days, the fastest I've ever read a book of this length) I loved everything about this book and hated that it had to end. Trust me, this is not your traditional vampire novel. It's a love story of sorts with a heart-wrenching past. The supernatural aspects of this book blew my mind, I love the approach Stoyanoff  took to express them! Clever and modernistic!

I absolutely loved the writing style of this book! The character development and plot of this novel were superb. I normally have a hard time keeping up with a book that has a lot of character dialog, especially if it involves more than a few different characters. The conversations in this novel read so naturally, that at times it felt like I was in the same room as the people talking. (A very surreal and awesome feeling!) I grew an instant connection with most of the characters, feeling their emotions and thoughts. Hands down, Stoyanoff's writing style will keep you entertained and craving more!

I am excited that a sequel is in the works and CAN NOT wait to see how the story unfolds!

Sunday, September 2, 2012

Quick Update + Possibile GIveaway

Hey guys here is a few short updates...

First off, I would like apologize for my brief disappearance, this month has been chaotic! I am happy to announce that we have almost 30 followers! I never imagined to have that many, it brings sheer joy to my heart...THANK YOU so much! Once we reach 50 followers, there will be a giveaway in the works... my way of showing appreciation.. :)  Share this page everywhere you can, let's make this happen!

I am happy to announce that I will be posting two reviews very soon! I plan on doing these reviews a little differently this time around and hope you guys will like it! I'm also currently in the process of revamping the look of Accepted Wisdom. (should be done by the end of this month) 

Take care everyone, check back soon for my reviews of:  "This is Not a Test" by Courtney Summers and "The Soul's Mark: FOUND" (The Soul's Mark, #1) by Ashley Stoyanoff