
Friday, March 7, 2014

*Update* Week One Of The #31dbc

Accepted Readers,

Today marks day 7 of the 31 Day Blogging Challenge. I have successfully posted every day this week! This is a huge improvement for me and I am proud of myself. I wasn't sure I would be able to post every day, but I've really surprised myself with my dedication.

I am grateful for the blogger app that I downloaded on my Android phone. It has been a real-life saver on my busy days. It enables me to blog on the go. It's a bit confusing, but I've mostly figured it out. If only I knew how to change my text size/color and skip lines between paragraphs. Until I can figure that part out, I'll just be editing the post as soon as I can via computer. So you may end up seeing some posts in rough format, I apologize.

 Have any of you ever used the app? If so, what do you think about it? 

If you haven't tried it, here is a link to it in the Google Play Store:
Each week on Friday, I will post a progress report with links to all the posts I managed to post for the challenge for that week. This way everything can be found in one place. Nice and simple just like it should be.

In case you missed any of my posts for the challenge:

As you can see, I have been posting a lot of different types of posts. I hope you guys are enjoying the variety. Please let me know if you would like to continue seeing certain posts after the challenge ends. Comments make me a very happy girl! :) 
See You Later
I totally gotta get going, I have to get ready to head over to my best friend's house. Her brother just got married and they are having an epic after party. I can't wait! I will be back again tomorrow with another post. I hope all of you are having an amazing Friday! 


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