WELCOME to the Release Day Party
and Giveaway for BEAUTIFUL RUIN!
BEAUTIFUL RUIN is a New Adult contemporary romance, by Alison Foster. We’re celebrating the release with an awesome giveaway with lots of gift cards and books. To make things even better, the book is on sale for $0.99 for THREE days only! Go get your copy today.
COME JOIN US on Facebook where we’re having a great Release Party with steamy excerpts and flash
DON’T FORGET to also enter the Rafflecopter and win Amazon gift cards and books!

The scruffy, yet gorgeous enigma known as Nathan Henley steps inside her apartment and brings with him all those feelings Grace has tried so hard to tuck safely away. Beneath his bruised and damaged exterior, she senses all the dark and beautiful secrets lost within the tarnished diamond of his lonely heart.
Like everyone before him, he must be too good to be true. She resists his mystery as long as she can, but she knows that any woman would gladly throw themselves against his rock hard chest and shatter helplessly into a million lustful pieces.
When Grace finally decides to trust again, her ex-boyfriend Jack returns to her life with his crooked grin and the past comes crashing down. With the world spinning all around her, Grace must do more than trust, she must fight for the salvation of her own lonely heart.
He raises my chin with one
finger and smiles at me with a sincerity that is worrisome rather than
reassuring. I’m not sure what game he’s playing, but everything in me screams
that this is indeed a game.
“You’re so innocent,” he says.
“You mean naïve?”
He shakes his head, staring
deep into my eyes. The smell of his tanned skin is intoxicating. My heartbeat
increases making me feel faint.
yourself, Grace, is all I manage to think. He’s not the man I
kissed at the library. I take a
breath and pull myself away from the physical and emotional closeness he’s
trying to build between us.
This will never happen. It
cannot happen. I’m not bad looking, but I’m not exactly calendar material.
There’s no way a man like this could be interested in me. Taylor is the one
who’s always gotten the attention when we went out together or met new people.
Whatever Nate’s issues are, they have nothing to do with me and I don’t need
another troubled man in my life.
“This has been interesting, but
I think it’s time for you to go,” I say. “It’s getting late and I’m exhausted.”
He looks frustrated. “I haven’t
said what I came here to say.”
“Well, just say it already.”
This might have come off as a little aggressive. I try to soften it up. “Or
don’t say it.”
“Will you be my friend again?”
His meaning escapes me. “Are
you asking if things can go back to normal?” I say, shrugging my shoulders.
“Sure, why not?”
“I want us to go back to that
moment when I invited myself for dinner,” he says slowly. “I want us to start
from that exact moment.”
I get up and lock my eyes on
his. “Why, Nate? I mean, we had no problems being shelter buddies and getting
along in our strange way. That seems to be our most peaceful state. Why do you
need to make it something more? You sound a little crazy wanting to go back to
a moment in time. Why?”
“Because you’re the most
curious person I’ve met in a long time.”
“Me? I’m the curious one?” I
laugh in an exaggerated manner.
“It’s more of a curiosity I
feel when I talk to you, when we’re close, when we kiss, when my body feels
your warmth,” he says almost scientifically.
I make sure to give him my most
incredulous glare. “Really? If it was the kisses and warmth you were after you
pretty much fucked that up.”
“I know I did,” he says like a
sad puppy. I sincerely want to jump his bones, but resist. “That’s why, Dear
Grace, I am asking to be friends only.”
“Silly Nate,” I say. “Forgive
me, it’s Nathan, right?”
“Nate’s fine,” he says.
“Anything your voice says is fine by me.”
“What girl can be only friends
with you?” I say weakening.
Instead of an answer, he puts
one hand behind my head and pulls me back down to the couch with his face close
to mine. “I don’t care about any other girl,” he says.
My whole body loses the will to
resist as he parts my lips with his tongue. He tastes like honey and cinnamon.
He tastes like happiness. He gently bites my upper lip, letting a finger trace
my ear ever so slightly.
His arm tightens around my
waist sending splintered pulses along my spine. I fight to keep a simple truth
from him, that he could make me do whatever he wants. I hide a thousand yeses from him, desperate that if they
all spill out at once there would be nothing left of me to love.
THE BEAUTIFUL RUIN BLITZ is off the chain... it's packed with multiple giveaways; one blitz-wide giveaway, each blog participating in this event has the option to hold their own giveaway for an e-book copy of Beautiful Ruin, and of course the Facebook Party!
Blitz-wide giveaway (INTL)
--30$ Amazon Gift Card
--15$ Amazon Gift Card
--10$ Amazon Gift Card
--2x 5$ Amazon Gift Card
--Signed copy of Beautiful Ruin
--2x eCopy of Beautiful Ruin
--3.99$ eBook of choice
--2.99$ eBook of choice
--2x eCopy of Awake by Elise Daniels
Direct Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/share-code/NGQzMmZkYzI4ODUwMjFjN2VlOTlkOWExMDViNmU5Ojc=/
Accepted Wisdom Giveaway (INTL)
(1) E-book of Beautiful Ruin
a Rafflecopter giveaway
Direct Link: http://www.rafflecopter.com/rafl/display/b700506631/
Alison Foster loves reading a good
love story almost as much as she loves writing one. She spends her time
dreaming up strong heroes and even stronger heroines and she enjoys finding
unexpected strengths within her characters when they are in the most
unexpected places.
She believes that passion makes
the world go round and that a sexy grin is as sweet as candy. She loves
interacting with readers, so feel free to drop her a line.
TWITTER https://twitter.com/alisonsreads
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